It’s 1972. A Soviet surveillance microphone preempt has made its way west thanks to a courageous defector. The nascent. nefarious, and inviable Caroline Corporation obtains it and converts it into devices lac military psychoacoustic special operations, then covertly delivers them to legendary users with fame and influence for evaluation. The guitar player of the world’s most famous band plugs in his rosewood guitar into one and uses it for a famous benefit concert. A producer runs instruments through another directly into a mixer, spills a bag full illicit drugs into its faders, and records all-time smash hits. An unknown actress brings one to a film screening and wins the Golden Globe. Facing public exposure from Senate hearings over arms trading and supermodel cloning scandals, the Corporation mysteriously dissolves in 1983, leaving no traces except abandoned file cabinets in a dilapidated office basement. Decades later the Corporation’s hilariously neglected “Guitar Company” satellite office, blissfully unaware that their parent company has dissolved decades earlier, discovers the schematic and parts specifications. They source some discontinued Russian “unobtnium” diodes and recreate its special flavor.
There is no evidence that any of the above has or has not happened. So anyway, here’s ICARUS. It is “sonic awesomeness” based on our PARABOLA and METEORE preamps.